Hometown Heroes


What is a biography?  Biographies should contain important information about an individual. If the person is no longer living, you can find some of the information in history books (check in the Arenzville library). Or if you know someone who remembers the person, interview him or her. Remember to mention where you found the information. If you are writing about a living person, interview him or her and ask permission to use the story. (It is a good idea to let him/her read what you have written before sending it to the web page.)

Who are important people in Arenzville's past?   Decide for yourself. Read the information on this web site about the village's history. Follow some of the links to Perrin's History of Cass County, where you can read the chapter about Arenzville. Or see if you can find information about one of Arenzville's Civil War Veterans by reading history books or requesting information from the National Archives and Records Administration. Remember to consider people who are not in the history books but who are, in your opinion, an important part of your community. Ask some of the older citizens of the community who they think is (or was) and important part of the town.

The following article can be used as an example:

Can I write about a Hometown Hero who is still living?   Yes, of course. A hero is someone you admire and who is a good example for others to follow. Tell us why you consider this person a hero. To be considered for publication on the web page, your biography must be written about someone who was a resident of the Arenzville community for at least part of his or her life. (The "Arenzille community" includes the area outside of the town, so you can include people who lived in the country, too.)

Can I write about a relative?   Absolutely!  You might want to ask your grandparents to tell you about their life story. If you write about a living person, consider writing an oral history.

What is an oral history?  An oral history is a recorded interview. You can write a story written using information someone tells you. It may be about himself, or it may be about another topic.

Here are some things you might ask if you interview someone:

  • where and when were you born?
  • what are your parents' names?
  • where did you go to school?
  • what is (or was) your occupation?
  • have you always lived in Arenzville? Where else did you live?
  • did you serve in the armed forces?
  • what important things have you done in your life?
  • were you present at an important historical event? What can you remember about it? What did you think about it?
  • what do you remember best about growing up in Arenzville?
  • what would you liked to be remembered for?

Who can send Hometown Hero biographies to the webmaster?  Arenzville school students may send biographies. Please include your name and address and the name of your school teacher. If you write about a living person, you must have permission to use his or her story. Ask your teacher or your principal, where to send the biography.

If you have questions about this project, you can send an email message to the webmaster, Molly Daniel, at webmaster (at) burgoo.org.


© 2023 Molly Daniel  

This page last modified: 08/25/2023